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Zoom Consultations

Zoom Consultations

Zoom 'Virtual+' - Training

Events in recent years have made virtual meetings a reality. I have now for several years been helping people and their dogs in very real ways with my virtual consultation and follow-up program. Dog owners throughout Canada, the U.S.A., England, Korea, India, Mongolia, etc. have helped their dogs through basic life-skill obedience and behavior problem resolution. In part due to the informative ‘Zoom’ section designed specifically for all two-legged folk that normally interact with the dog, but in a large part due to the incredible follow-up/follow-through program. The latter entails sending homework videos, videos of areas of struggle as they occur day-to-day, as opposed to having to wait to “see” a trainer in another week, and receiving fantastic feedback that ultimately reduces frustration on both ends of the leash.

Whether your dog is a Ferraris or a mini-van dog and you’ve found it difficult to find a local trainer that isn’t all about treats, treats, treats, or yank and crank – book a consult. You won’t regret it.

The Zoom consult takes 2-3 hours and there are 10 days of video exchange follow-up included.

Telephone Consultation

Book a telephone consultation with John Wade (Ask the Dog Guy)

  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    If you have a recent image of your dog.

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