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The Missing Cane Corso Starter’s Manual

The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes

How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog

The best $3.00 – $5.00 (depends on your country’s currency) you could invest in your Cane Corso is this ebook I wrote for Cane Corso owners – The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes, How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog

‘The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes – How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog’ ($4.99 CND (About $3.75 U.S.) has been written with the following audience in mind:

  • Anyone interested in someday owning a Cane Corso.
  • Anyone with a Cane Corso over 18 months of age wondering why it’s out of control.
  • Anyone with a Cane Corso under 18 months of age wishing to avoid ‘out of control’ later in life.
  • Cane Corso breeders (as a resource for puppy inquiries and buyers).
  • Cane Corso specific rescues wishing to provide guidance to homes they send their dogs, also further contributing to ensuring the Cane Corsos they re-home do well in life.
  • Veterinarians with Cane Corso puppy owning clients wishing to provide additional best paw forward guidance.

Note: If you are someone with an already out of control Cane Corso and you’re worried that you won’t be able to turn things around, keep your dog or worse may have to euthanize, I am working on a different Cane Corso book for you that will be completed soon. (Faster if enough people indicate an interest.) The working title, ‘How To Turn Around A Cane Corso That Is Out of Control Without Treats Or Brutality’ – The Other Missing Manual’. Send me an email if you want to know when it’s finished or you want me to work faster. 🙂 Another option is a Skype consult.

I’m certain that after reading ‘The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes – How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog’ ($4.99 CND (About $3.75 U.S.) two things will happen.

  • You’ll be very happy.
  • You’ll wonder why you didn’t hear it first from:
    • Your Breeder
    • Your Trainer
    • Your Veterinarian

If it’s all old hat, I’ll be astounded but let me know, I’ll refund your money ‘The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes – How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog’ ($4.99 CND (About $3.75 U.S.)

Here’s An Excerpt:


Realities and Myths

Some breeds of dogs are mini-vans and others are Ferraris. The Cane Corso is no mini-van. The males are sometimes slightly more intense, but male or female, the breed should almost be considered more a hobby than a pet. In the right hands, they are fantastic dogs. In the wrong hands, they can become much more so like guns with brains.

That said, most of the myths regarding the Cane Corso are just that, myths. They aren’t ‘stubborn’. They don’t take years before they “settle down”. They don’t “only listen to men”. They can come when called, stay and heel – No Matter What. You don’t need treats (or ‘Might Is Right’) to train them, etc.

Rather than any inherent failure in the overall breed’s genetic proclivities, the things they typically have negative ‘reputations’ for have far more to do with these two factors:

  • How careful their breeders have been with the genetics they are working with before they selected a breeding pair as well as how they handled the puppies up until they were sold.
  • Whether they find themselves in a mini-van vs a Ferrari capable home.

Raising and training a great Cane Corso is a bit like realism painting. If you want to end up with an image that best represents what you have in your mind’s eye, you need to paint with all the colors, not just the ones you like or are convenient. Trust me when I say, the Cane Corso is often one of those breeds that needs a few more colors in the palette.

As a result, they do far better with well-informed, diligent teachers. Regardless of the level of our intellect and potential, we (all higher order social species) have teachers when we’re growing up so that we learn how to exert self-control when our ‘urges’ are triggered. We are also diligently supervised from birth to adulthood. Not to wreck our freedom but to wreck our freedom to make mistakes. The Cane Corso is one of those breeds that needs and benefits from considerable guidance as it matures lest it lose its way.

‘The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes – How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog’ ($4.99 CND (About $3.75 U.S.) is intended to provide some direction so you can provide that direction for your Cane Corso and so your Cane Corso can grow up to fulfill his or her potential, be a fantastic canine companion and always be an excellent ambassador for the Cane Corso breed.

Problems develop (and this booklet shows you how to avoid these common pitfalls) when:

  1. Dog owners are exposed during their puppy’s mouthing period to the popular but incorrect advice on how to respond. (Hint, it’s not redirect with a treat or a toy, nor is it clocking the dog.)
  2. Dogs are exposed to one of the many fraudulent puppy socialization classes as opposed to implementing a legitimate socialization strategy during the dog’s critical imprinting period. It’s called critical for a reason.
  3. Their significant puppy cuteness (baby schema) distracts some puppy owners from developing a useful (and necessary) teacher/student or parent/child relationship. In many cases, this leads the dog into believing the relationship they have with their owner is more as roommates or them as the ‘golden grandchild’ making if far more difficult to guide them without bribery (or threats) when it becomes necessary and it will become necessary. The good news is you don’t have to love your dog less, but they do need to know and be reminded from time to time as to who is living in whose home.
  4. Training ideologies such as ‘Might Is Right’ but more commonly the highly flawed ‘All Positive/Purely Positive/Force-Free’ are used as opposed to legitimate behavior modification science. The first is fear/intimidation based, the second is dependent on addicting a dog to treats. Train by aiming at the tummy of the only species bred to love humans and you’re missing the best part of having a dog.
  5. There is a failure to consider and plan for what and when the dog is exposed to known negative behavior influencers between puppyhood and adulthood when the owner is unavailable to formally guide the dog.

In the information-packed ‘The Five Most Common Cane Corso Mistakes – How To Avoid Them And End Up With Your Dream Dog’ ($4.99 CND (About $3.75 U.S.) you will learn to protect your Cane Corso from these common early relationship and training pitfalls that often result in the loss of the inclusive lifestyle most people envision and hope for when they decide to include a dog in their lives.

Good Luck,
John ‘Ask The Dog Guy’ Wade
Embracing Science and Common Sense

The Cane Corso Owners Missing Starter Manual
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