Ask The Dog Guy's

FREE Brain Drain Activity Guide For Your Dog

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Send Your Video To Ask The Dog Guy For Input

With the access people now have to ‘smartphones’, and subsequent access to video, I’ve decided to give priority to people looking for some input, where video (and permission to use the video) is included along with their dog behavior request/question.

There are three major advantages.

  1. Actual video, vs. a verbal description can often eliminate a lot of guessing on my end and provide a much clearer idea of what is going on and subsequently make my reply far more likely to be useful to you.
  2. My reply video, uses your video as its backdrop to more precisely illustrate what I see and what to do about it. In much the same way a coaches use practice and game-play video to improve performance.
  3. The end result is a more powerful resource for not only you, but other’s struggling with similar issues.

– John Wade 🐾 (

Is There A Catch Associated With This Free Service?

  • There really isn’t a catch other than you have to provide your permission, and the permission of anyone else that appears in the video, to use the video, as if I create a response video, I’ll want to use it to help others in similar situations.
  • You’ll find a place on the form below where you can choose to have your face(s) blurred, and, or, have an alias (name and locale) used, if that is your preference.

Number And Length Of Videos To Send

  • You’re welcome to send several videos if you think it will help, but keep your video(s) to the point. 

How Will You Know I've Responded?

  • If I use your video, I’ll send a courtesy email to the email address you provided.
  • If I don’t use your video you probably won’t hear back. I know that’s rude and I was raised better than that, but until I get some interns to help out, I can only do what time allows.

How Long Will It Take?

  • Lord knows. I try for 24 hours, but sometimes I’m on the road doing seminars..

Send A Video Of Your Dog's Behavior Problem

Note - This is a new form. If you have problems with it, or have some suggestions to improve upon it send an email to [email protected]

Send A Video Of Your Dog's Problem Behavior

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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