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Ask The Dog Guy Newsletter – September 5 2013

Weird and Funny Stuff

New Ask The Dog Guy Column – Dog Collar 2 Finger “Rule”
Bossy Bully Puppies

Dear John,
The vet said it looks like our dog’s collar is too tight on him (2 finger rule) and to loosen it. We had it right behind his ears and high up on his neck. I am worried when we do have it on that it is too tight, but I thought that is the way it is supposed to be. Could I get your thoughts/advice on this?

Read The Column

Watch Video– “The World’s Smartest Dog?”
origins of dogs
There’s a book coming out about this dog entitled Chaser: Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who Knows a Thousand Words. It’s written by John Pilley. I’ve also provided an link to an article about Chaser and his owners written by Dan Nosowitz.

Watch the Video and Read More

‘Despicable’ Epidemic: People Using Fake Service Dogs
‘Despicable’ Epidemic: People Using Fake Service Dogs

Kudos to WBBM Newsradio’s Steve Grzanich for his story about fake service dogs.

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September Workshops, Events, Nosey Dogs Classes
LotsaDogs Rescue
LotsaDogs Rescue

Wanted – Nosey Dogs

I’ looking for 6-8 people interested learning how to stimulate their dogs minds by joining a 6 week class on Tuesday nights in London to introduce their dogs to searching with their noses for fun. Cost is $150.00 (10% discount if you sign up with a friend or have 2 dogs.

Visit for more information and send me an email. Once I get 6 confirmed we’ll start the class. If we get enough then we’ll have two the same night.

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Christmas in September Fundraiser

Saturday September 21st in Whitby – It’s to raise funds for Camp Lotsa Dogs a registered charity dog rescue.

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Full Day Dog Training Workshop with John Wade

Sunday September 22nd in Whitby – It’s for dog owners and their dogs with and without problems.

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