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Exercising With Your Dog

Exercising Your Dog (and you)

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1 thought on “Exercising With Your Dog”

  1. Rootstudio

    I had double knee replacements five years ago. And at only 44, I still wanted to be as active as I had been before my knees had started becoming bad. So after a couple of years, we purchased our dog Chloe to help me get out and exercise and she’s been the best motivator one could ask for!

    I trained her to trot along with my bike and so every day we do a couple of miles on the bike and then take a hike in the bush. She’s a high energy dog (3/4 doberman, 1/4 australian shepherd) so she loves it and I get the exercise I need! A dog is the best thing to motivate one to get out and get active!!

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