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Introducing a New Puppy to an Older Cane Corso

I have an 18-month-old male Cane Corso (not neutered)  We also have an 8-year-old English Bulldog (neutered).  I attempted to bring home an 8 week old male Cane Corso and it went awful.  Ruger tried to grab him, growled the whole time, went after him, hair standing straight up the entire day. Would this have been different if I had gotten a female?  What can I do to make this better?  My Old bulldog was the Alpha and he is the only one Ruger will play with, he is dog aggressive on every other dog.  We live in the boonies so other dogs are not a real problem.  Should I get a different breed of puppy?  Get an older puppy?  I’m lost.  Thank you!!!


Hi Jenn,

If he’s already living with a mature male dog my first thought is rather then tapping into some innate dislike of other dogs you’ve tapped into a Cane Corso’s (and many other dogs for that matter) innate dislike of the sudden appearance on their own territory of another dog. It’s always better to do these things on neutral territory. Neutral territory doesn’t mean anywhere that’s not home either. Dogs that are territorial can perceive areas that they regularly visit as “their” territory and react similarly.

On the other hand, you also write that other dogs are not a real problem as you “live in the boonies”, and yet “he is dog aggressive with every other dog” so I’m not quite sure what to make of that without further details.

For what it’s worth when choosing a second dog I have found picking a dog of the other gender often works out better but also picking another dog with opposite inclinations as far as the desire to be top dog influences as well.

Here’s a “devil’s advocate” article I wrote about getting a second dog that’s worth a read before making those decisions – Second Dog – Good Idea Or Not?

– John

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4 thoughts on “Introducing a New Puppy to an Older Cane Corso”

  1. Tom hickey

    I have a 10 year old cane Corso. And I had a female cane Corso and they lived together for 10 years and had a lot of fun and got along great my female got bone cancer and I had to put her down about a year ago!! My male was always a little aggressive but the female was the alpha. Since I put her down the male doesn’t have a friend and he’s changed. If I get another cane Corso do you think the male will reject the puppy? I want a puppy because i resqued the male from a kill shelter and he’s always been aggressive towards people and I can’t socialize him because he’s nipped 3 people so i want to get a puppy so the puppy doesn’t end up like the male. My question is will my male except a puppy or will he just have to live without a friend I’m the only one that can handle my male he gets aggressive towards other people

    1. Hi Tom,

      I have just the thing. I wrote an article called “Introducing Two Dogs Where The Intent Is For An Ongoing Relationship”. Mind you, it was put together with worst case scenario in mind, so it might come across as a little over the top in places. It tries to take into consideration all eventualities to ensure the highest probability of a safe outcome. Send me an email and I’ll get a .PDF copy to you.

      – John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense

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      PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)

  2. Wade Perry

    We love both Rottweilers and Cane Corso but have never had both at same time. 14 yrs ago we rescued a female Corso/Lab mix, in 1 yr we got our 1st Rotty, male, and they got along great. At 9 our Rotty passed away and, we got another male Rotty who had some unknown issues that had to be put down at 3. They also got along well. We were sad and had the opportunity to get a pure bred male Corso who is now 3 1/2.

    Our mix is now pushing 15 in poor health and will likely pass soon. The dogs do not mingle and play much as one is old and frail and other is 3 + and exerts dominance with occasional aggression when treats/food is around. We want another Rotty (female this time) but worried how the Corso will react.

    Wed like to take the Corso to see Rottie pups and see his reaction. Is this a good approach or you suggest a better plan.

    Thanks, Wade

    1. Hi Wade,

      I have just the thing. I wrote an article called “Introducing Two Dogs Where The Intent Is For An Ongoing Relationship”. Mind you, it was put together with worst case scenario in mind, so it might come across as a little over the top in places. It tries to take into consideration all eventualities to ensure the highest probability of a safe outcome. Send me an email and I’ll get a .PDF copy to you.

      – John “Ask The Dog Guy” Wade – Embracing Science and Common Sense

      Visit For A Free Weekly Newsletter
      & FREE Brain Drain Activity Guide For Your Dog

      PS Don’t forget if you find that the many free resources I provide companion dog owners via Ask The Dog Guy website ( and elsewhere (YouTube, newsletter, etc.) inform, save you time and, or money, why not buy me a coffee? Click the link to Buy Me A Few Coffees

      PPS You can also become a Patron and support spreading the word about science and common sense in companion dog training by clicking on the membership link instead. Click the link to Become An Ask The Dog Guy Patron (Various levels of sponsorship have benefits for you as well.)

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