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When the Ethical Treatment of Animals Goes Wrong | Stanley Coren in Psychology Today

"Ethical" Might Easily Be Replaced With The Name, 'People For The Treacherous Treatment Of Animals

Stanley Coren and John "Ask The Dog Guy" Wade

Stanley Coren writes about the infamous organization PETA – ‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ and discovers their definition of “ethical” might easily be replaced with the name, ‘People for the Treacherous Treatment of Animals’

Could it be true that in an animal shelter run by a society dedicated to the ethical treatment of animals, the percentage of animals killed is nearly 95 percent while their percentage of animals successfully adopted out is less than 1 percent?”

Read his article: “When the Ethical Treatment of Animals Goes Wrong”
Is killing 95 percent of animals entrusted to a shelter ethical?
Published on April 15, 2012 by Stanley Coren, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. in Canine Corner

. . . Read More: When the Ethical Treatment of Animals Goes Wrong | Psychology Today

Stanley Coren is the author of several books, including: 
  1. Why We Love the Dogs We Do
  2. The Intelligence of Dogs
  3. Why Does My Dog Act That Way?

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