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Introducing a Puppy to an Older Dog in the Same Household

I would like to ask about introducing a puppy into a household where I have a 6-year-old Golden Retriever.  Ema (my golden) is healthy, active and very friendly.  I am concerned how she will react to a new member of the family.  Ema has been my companion for 6 years but 4 years ago I […]

Introducing a Puppy to an Older Dog in the Same Household Read More »

Border Collie Cross that Fears Thunder Storms

Hi John I have a 5-year-old Border CollieX that hides under the bed when it thunder and storms. I came home from work last Wednesday, and called for her. The weather had been bad, so I gave her a few seconds to get out from under the bed; I called, and called, but no Shelby.

Border Collie Cross that Fears Thunder Storms Read More »

Quadrant Quackery

Hi John, We are the owners of a 17 month old male Golden Retriever, Snatch. This past June, we decided to take Snatch to a local trainer who uses clicker training. He did well with the basics-sit,stay,crate etc. Things have changed. Sometimes he will listen most of the time, he won’t. He has always been

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Quadrant Problems

Hi John, We are the owners of a 17 month old male Golden Retriever, Snatch. This past June, we decided to take Snatch to a local trainer who uses clicker training. He did well with the basics-sit,stay,crate etc. Things have changed. Sometimes he will listen most of the time, he won’t. He has always been

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Dog stuck in crate highlights rare risk of spot-on flea treatment

October 7, 2009By: Edie LauFor The VIN News Service A veterinarian presented with a peculiar case of a poodle stuck in its crate last week traced the problem to the pet’s spot-on flea treatment. Residue from the product Advantage, which was applied between the poodle’s shoulders, somehow came in contact with the plastic base of

Dog stuck in crate highlights rare risk of spot-on flea treatment Read More »

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