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Video – A Puppy Learns to Pay Attention – Discipline Doggy Style

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Video - A Puppy Learns to Pay Attention - Discipline Doggy Style

I often use this clip in workshops for dog trainers, veterinarians and vet techs when we talk about methodology, ethology and the role of discipline in dog training. At first glance it can be a little confounding. Look carefully and see if you can guess what the grandmother taught the puppy. It definitely learned something but

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Purely Positive Training Nonsense

Hi John, We have brought a bulldog cross now about 12 weeks of age. The nipping is getting a bit aggressive.  Her teeth are quite sharp and have injured my wife and daughter. She literally hung by her tooth embedded in the skin of my daughter’s leg, needless to say my daughter has not warmed

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Obedience Classes (Rottweiler/Doberman)

Hello Mr. Wade, My daughter adopted a rescue dog a female Rottweiler/Doberman cross, about 2 years old. Stella adapted well, has been to 2 obedient courses and finished at the top of her class! My concern is that she is very dominant and recently had a situation while visiting my other daughter who has a

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