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Labrador retriever

Territorially Aggressive Australian Shepherd

Re: territorially aggressive Australian Shepherd Cross Our family has an incredibly difficult 2 year old territorially aggressive Australian Shepherd Cross (Lab) named Bones, that we have had since he was about 6-7 weeks old. We began private puppy lessons and then group lessons when he was a little older. He learned quickly. For the next […]

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Dinner Time – Free feeding and Picky Eaters

Dear John, We have 2, two year old Labrador Retrievers that provide us with great affection, humour, entertainment and exercise! One has an issue that is food related. He has always been a picky eater but now will often refuse to eat at mealtimes which are twice a day. He will eat some now and

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GatorAid Puppy Mouthing Nipping Biting

Hello John, I am the owner of a 12 week old female black Labrador Retriever who is really challenging my confidence. I really love her and do not want to give her up but she has become a serial biter. She is drawing blood and  bruised me more then once. I have found myself in

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