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Dramatic Photo Series: Dog Rescue by Brave Not-So Bystander

Rescue Me [nggallery id=2] This rescue series was sent to me a while back and is making the rounds again. What made me post it this time was the text that was included. Don’t know if its literary license but it made me chuckle:“A German tourist jumped in and saved my precious little dog. Upon […]

Dramatic Photo Series: Dog Rescue by Brave Not-So Bystander Read More »

Animal Rescue Shelter Adoption Pros and Cons

Hi John, I need you to get onto animal rescue shelters and the mistakes THEY make with far too many adoptions. So many are horrible judges of dog’s temperaments or maybe they just want to save and adopt out at any cost and the heck with temperament testing. I board dogs, do some behaviour consults

Animal Rescue Shelter Adoption Pros and Cons Read More »

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