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Would You Listen To A Companion Dog Behaviour Podcast?

If so, I would love to get your input.

The purpose of this proposed dog behavior podcast is to provide dog lovers of all sorts of thoughtful information about companion dog behaviour.

The content planned for this podcast with address various aspects of dog behavior.

  • Guests with practical expertise in various approaches to modifying behaviour will share their experience.
  • Guests with theoretical and scientific expertise in related fields will share their perspectives about various commonly held approaches to companion dog training.
  • If we’re ever short of guests, the host will share his own 30 years of experience on a variety of topics.

Whether listeners are companion dog owners, dog trainers, those new to dog training or interested becoming dog trainers or working in a profession where knowing a little more about dog behaviour might be useful, the goal of this dog behavior podcast is to provide both knowledge and food for thought.

If you think this dog behavior podcast might be of interest you, please fill out the form below so I can learn a little more about my prospective audience.

Ask The Dog Guy - Just Dog Behavior Podcast

  • Check all that apply.
  • Choose all that apply.

John Wade's Ask The Dog Guy Dog Companion Dog Owner Educational Pawdcast Series - Podcast John Wade's Ask The Dog Guy Pretty Much Just Dog Training & Behavior Dog Trainer's Edition Pawdcast - Podcast

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