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Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl.

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Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl.

Hello John, Could you please help me figure out why for the last 3 years my 12-year-old mixed black lab refuses to drink out of a bowl and now even a flat platter. She approaches her food bowl with fear as well. If there is even the slightest bit of noise or if her food […]

Dog is afraid of eating and drinking out of a bowl. Read More »

Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children.

Dear John, I adopted a now two-year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have some

Cocker Spaniel Cross is “wonderful” except he “goes after” bicycles, skateboards and some children. Read More »

Thunder Revisited

Dear  John, My min schnauzer, Olive, has increasingly become fearful of various noises – fireworks noises in particular.  She pants heavily, will not settle down, and her whole body shakes.  Her shaking and panting became so extreme that I thought she might have a heart attack. Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem? Eve

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Dog May be Aggressive Towards Children, Skateboards, Bicycles

Dear John, I adopted a now two year old cocker spaniel/poodle mix and he’s just wonderful, loving and full of life for me, my husband and most people.  There is, however, one problem I am having and that’s with small children. I don’t know if it’s just that he’s rambunctious or what but I have

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More Dog Anxiety – Thunder

Hi John. My dog does not like thunderstorms. I don’t know if you can help me or not but I am at my wits end. His anxiety is through the roof. Lisa Dear Lisa, Thunder phobic dogs often have specific characteristics and other distressing symptoms. In addition to their anxiousness as a result of the

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Dog Anxiety Due to Thunder and Fireworks

What advice do you have to help with dog anxiety due to thunder & fireworks? Sam is a 5-year-old Labrador Retriever/Rottweiler X female. If she hears these sounds in the house she immediately hides in the basement. If she hears it while we are already walking outside she wants to run home. She has even

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