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A Labradoodle and Purely Positive Dog Training

Hi John. I have a 6 year old Labradoodle, probably the alpha male. He was quite difficult to train at doggie school, wanting his own way even when a pup. He recently became more protective of our front door and backyard gate, to the point of snapping at friends, workmen or kids. When someone approaches

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Dog and Sock

Labradoodle Girls will be Labradoodle Girls

Hi John, I have a labradoodle named Isabelle, she is just over a year old. She is a great family dog, amazing with my three little girls ages 4 – 8 years. The main problem is that Isabelle loves to chew. Her favorite thing is chewing socks, and she has actually hacked one up which

Labradoodle Girls will be Labradoodle Girls Read More »

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