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Dogs Fighting

Dog To Dog Aggression – Unfamiliar Dogs

Unfortunately, because the world of dog training is driven by people (trainers) that love dogs most dogs end up being influenced more by their hormones, breed genetics, bloodlines, and evolutionary programs alone, as opposed to these things AND a loving authority figure in the context as is universally found in higher order social species such as dogs, wolves, apes, humans, etc. Here’s how dogs are often led astray, and needlessly become aggressive with unfamiliar dogs. – John Wade

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When To Put An Aggressive Dog Down euthanasia euthanize

When Should You Put An Aggressive Dog Down (Euthanize/Euthanasia)

When you have a dog that is continually threatening to bite and/or is biting or is only not biting because of owner diligence and precautions and the behavior is unrelated to physical health issues, you have four options. It is more of a funnel really as one leads to the next.

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Video – A Puppy Learns to Pay Attention – Discipline Doggy Style

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Video - A Puppy Learns to Pay Attention - Discipline Doggy Style

I often use this clip in workshops for dog trainers, veterinarians and vet techs when we talk about methodology, ethology and the role of discipline in dog training. At first glance it can be a little confounding. Look carefully and see if you can guess what the grandmother taught the puppy. It definitely learned something but

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Aggressive Australian Shepherd

Hello, Our family has an incredibly difficult dog. He is a two year old aggressive Australian Shepherd x Lab named Bones, that we have had since he was about 6-7 weeks old. We began private puppy lessons and then group lessons when he was a little older. He learned quickly. For the next year he

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