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Is a Rottweiler a Good Match For a Young Family?

My daughter and son in law have a 3-year-old son and a baby on the way. The newborn child will be born in September 2018. My question is, do you think this is a wise decision? The purebred Rottweiler puppy is from a good breeder which will be the first puppy they ever owned. Thank you, […]

Is a Rottweiler a Good Match For a Young Family? Read More »

aggressive rottweiler

Aggressive Rottweiler Suddenly Lunges

Hi John, My Rottweiler is suddenly lunging at people when they turn to leave. Her greeting is perfect and she sits for petting and kisses…then it happens. She’s a rescue we’ve had for two years. Cynthia – West Palm Beach, Florida Hi Cynthia, I’d need a lot more information to be of any help as

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Aggressive Rottweiler Bites – Owner Shocked

Aggressive Rottweiler – Unbalanced or Victim? I was recently bitten twice in the thigh during a brief visit to my neighbours by their 130 lb. 2-3 year old Rottweiler. He was fixated on me when I entered and began to circle me, barked and then started biting. I did not yell or attempt to resist

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Options for an Aggressive German Shepherd Dog – Part 2

Regarding your column: Options for an Aggressive Dog You really are crazy! I’m a Veterinary Technician. Don’t ever say Euthanasia is one of the options for an aggressive dog! Its not. And it shouldn’t be one of your four ridiculous so called “solutions”. I don’t hope to ever see your ridiculous scenarios in your column again. Your title

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Options for an Aggressive German Shepherd Dog

We have a 3 year old German Shepherd. One throw of the rope and she’s a friend forever, if you’re an adult that is. When she gets near a toddler or a small child, she gets very aggressive. Our neighbourhood has a lot of young families and I’m scared to death that if she gets

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