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Yorkshire Terrier


Yorkshire Terrier Aggression

My husband & I have a 6-year-old male Yorkshire Terrier, we’ve had him since a puppy. He is very attached to me, very attached, and protective of me. We also had an English Bulldog up until she recently passed away. We had the bulldog 1st, then the Yorkie as a puppy, they were together all […]

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Pet Corrector

Kitten Attacks Yorkshire Terrier, Dachshund and Poodles

I am fostering a 3-month-old kitten. I have 4 dogs. She gets along with all the dogs except she is fixated on hunting and attacking my 3lb Yorkshire Terrier. My Yorkshire Terrier is terrified of her and I am scared she is going to seriously hurt her. I have been fostering the kitten since she

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Dog attack (Yorkshire Terrier) leaves Blackburn boy, 9, afraid to go out

A NINE-year-old boy was taken to hospital after being bitten on the face by a Yorkshire terrier. Owen Poole, of Delph Approach, Blackburn, was bitten by the 15-month-old pet while visiting a park with friends. The youngster, who attends Shadsworth Junior School, needed stitches in an injury to his right cheek and may have to

Dog attack (Yorkshire Terrier) leaves Blackburn boy, 9, afraid to go out Read More »

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