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2 finger rule

2 Finger Rule for Dog Collars

2 Finger Rule – Fact or Fiction   Dear John, I have the Power Steering Dog Training Collar (aka the Wade Collar which my dog trainer, Nancy Johansen, gave us when she helped us with our dog.  We have a 1 year 10 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier.  As I’m sure you know, he is

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Puppy and Dog Obedience with John Wade in London Ontario

Balanced Puppy and Dog Obedience Training with John Wade in London Ontario John Wade has over 20 years experience helping London Ontario with puppy and dog obedience. Teaching dogs to Stay – Come – Heel on a Loose Leash – No Matter What! – without Food or Fear! If you’re having some trouble with excessive

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John Wade’s Next Dog Training Seminar or Lecture

Check Out These Dates for an Upcoming Dog Training Seminar Thursday April 25th (7 – 9 PM) Topic: How Your Dog Sees the World (and teach a loose leash walk, come and stay) Dog Training Seminar Admission: Free Where: London, Ontario’s Central Public Library’s Wolf Performance Hall (251 Dundas Street, London Ontario) Click for a Google Map

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Puppy Socialization with John Wade

Puppy Socialization Cheat Sheet PDF

Don’t Waste Your Time Or Money On A Puppy Socialization or ‘Kindergarten’ Classes They Can Be And Most Often Are BAD For Your Puppy I have never recommended puppy socialization classes. They miss the boat on so many necessary and more important aspects of socialization and dog owners trying to do the right thing find

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