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Companion Dog Training

Dogs Fighting

Why Dogs That Live Together Start Getting Into Serious Fights

The movie the Lady and The Tramp wasn’t a canine behavior documentary. Not all dogs, due to the nature, and, or nurture reasons outlined above are inclined to live with other dogs. However, sometimes we set them up to fail. There are options, and results vary. With enough effort, it’s technically possible to force dogs that live together to behave, but that’s not the same thing as enjoying living with other dogs and can be very stressful on one dog, or the other(s), and the owner.

Why Dogs That Live Together Start Getting Into Serious Fights Read More »

Dammit Jim

But At Least Regarding Behavior, We Can Rely On Professionals Like Veterinarians and Vet Techs?​

You Can, But Should You? This is part of a ‘Food For Thought Series regarding the unregulated world of dog breeding and training’. More, but not exclusively for people thinking of getting a puppy or dog so they can avoid some of the more common ‘before the purchase’ mistakes. It’s also for those that have

But At Least Regarding Behavior, We Can Rely On Professionals Like Veterinarians and Vet Techs?​ Read More »

amateur vs professional

Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title

Questions To Ask Anyone Offering You Dog Training Advice This Includes Veterinarians, Vet Techs And Rescue Volunteers This is part of a ‘Food For Thought Series regarding the unregulated world of dog breeding and training’. More, but not exclusively for people thinking of getting a puppy or dog so they can avoid some of the

Questions You Should Ask A Dog Trainer – Especially If They’ve Given Themselves A Fancy Title Read More »

Charlie The Bichon Frise (13 years old)

Bichon Frise Mauled By Another Dog Now Tentative Around Owner

Sometimes he will flinch when I go to pet him. He never did that before, and while I am undoubtedly reading into his behavior, it feels like he doesn’t fully trust me. He has always been wary that I have ulterior motives when I am sitting on my couch and call to him, I think because he associates that with my giving him the medicine of some kind (he is prone to ear infections with all the hair in his ears.)

But the flinching is new. It doesn’t happen all the time, even much of the time, but does happen occasionally. There is also, it seems, a certain shyness around me.

Bichon Frise Mauled By Another Dog Now Tentative Around Owner Read More »

Evil Google

You Say You Researched The Breed, The Breeder, The Training Or The Trainer…

When we ‘research’ something on the Internet, the search engines we use (Google, Bing, etc.) rarely provide us with expert advice links. Their algorithms take us to sites that are search engine optimized, trending or otherwise popular, and/or similar to the philosophical leanings that past searches of the person that types in the topic.

You Say You Researched The Breed, The Breeder, The Training Or The Trainer… Read More »

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